Interior Renovation of Old Apartment in Fulham by Dom Arquitectura

This apartment renovation by dom arquitectura is to make over an old home with old interior in Fulham, London.

apartment interior renovation - stair

After the renovation, the old flat is now a new looking apartment which the architect and designer called "a state of the art new maisonette".

apartment interior renovation - living room

Check out all of the renovated flat's white sleek interior pictures afterward.

apartment interior renovation - kitchen

Fulham Flat Refurbishment, London - Roof Conquest

Architect: Pablo Serrano Elorduy
Interior Designer: Blanca Elorduy
Photography: Ricardo Gay-Luger
Surface: 85 m2

apartment interior renovation - entrance

Located in Fulham, we founded this flat which had a very old-fashioned interior and needed of new electrics and decoration. We try to make a state of the art new maisonette out of a small space. Main access is by ground floor, where there is also a small garage. Walking up stairs to the second floor, main areas of the house are located.

apartment interior renovation - living room

Previously there were two small rooms but we decided to enlarge master bedroom and make a bigger living room, which also integrates into the open kitchen, at a cost of the second bedroom. The result is a bright and fresh open space that connects bedroom and bathroom by sliding doors being the last one the only enclosed space of the plant.

apartment interior renovation - living space

As a positive discovery, the roof was an unutilized space that is being utilized now taking advantage of an existing skylight access through an iron ladder, hence, owner is very happy now enjoying the London rooftops views having a drink.

apartment interior renovation - master bedroom

apartment interior renovation - bathroom

apartment interior renovation - axonometric

apartment interior renovation by dom arquitectura

4 houses in Jeddah by Dom Arquitectura, Modern Islamic Architecture

Architect Pablo Serrano Elorduy and his team in Dom Arquitectura has completed their 4 houses in Jeddah project that aims at designing modern architectural homes. Located in islamic environtment in Jeddah city of Saudi Arabia, the idea of modern architectural homes was realized by applying a number of architecture concepts typical in Islamic culture.

Project: 4 houses in Jeddah
Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2013
Architect: Pablo Serrano Elorduy
Photographer: Ghassan Alangari
Surface: 1322 m2

4 houses in Jeddah - The Mosaic Filter (The architect description)

Islamic culture is very rich in architecture concepts, the patio, the gallery, the blinds, the water, the plants, and the mosaic. We've highlighted a few to keep in mind when doing this project.

The project involves the construction of four houses in the city of Jeddah. The aim is to achieve modern architectural homes, functional and attractive to the user, but in turn, related to the environment of the Saudi city of Jeddah.

The ground floor facade is understood as a zocalo (housing base) and the contact point with the ground, so he poses with two materials such as concrete and wood, as hard, rude and natural materials. The first floor is the one that has more front surface and therefore more exposed to the sun. It will be completely white as an open box resting on the grey base. The white color will minimize the impact of solar radiation can produce.

The housing set floors arise symmetrically, since the separation of the solar law requires us. But we will avoid the symmetrical elevations as far as possible, so the outside perspective show us a modern set housing, looking rather the sum of elements, forming a sum of the four houses rather asymmetrical.

On the first floor are created a galleries/terraces, as a transition to the outside (outer space but protected from solar radiation). It is fairly common element in old Islamic buildings since it allows us to have a fresh element prior to outside heat, avoiding the high temperatures inside. In these terraces are placed a series of sliding shutters, as a sunscreen, like a second skin of the building that will protect us from the sun and also will create a random distribution rate, which completely break any symmetry.

These lattices are inspired on the old Arab slats and Islamic mosaics will have a unique design, and unique singular forms related in some way with the typical Islamic patterns. In this way we will get some modern elements but related instead.

The lattices have a gradient in their holes, with more density in the upper holes to allow more views and less density in the lower to give more privacy for users.

Indonesian Version

4 Rumah di Jeddah - Filter Mosaic (Deskripsi arsitek)

Budaya Islam sangat kaya akan konsep arsitektur; seperti yang tampak pada desain teras, galeri, tirai, air, tanaman, dan mosaik. Kami telah menyoroti beberapa yang perlu diingat ketika melakukan proyek ini.

Proyek ini melibatkan pembangunan empat buah rumah di kota Jeddah. Tujuannya adalah untuk membangun rumah berarsitektur modern yang fungsional dan menarik bagi pengguna, tetapi pada sisi lain, terhubung dengan lingkungan kota Jeddah Saudi.

Fasad pada lantai dasar dipahami sebagai zocalo (basis perumahan) dan titik kontak dengan tanah, sehingga dibangun dengan dua bahan seperti beton dan kayu, sebagai bahan keras, kasar dan alami. Lantai pertama memiliki permukaan yang lebih depan dan karena itu lebih terkena sinar matahari. Ini benar-benar akan tampak putih seperti kotak terbuka di dasar yang abu-abu. Warna putih akan meminimalkan dampak radiasi sinar matahari.

Lantai rumah harus dibuat simetris, karena pemisahan hukum surya mengharuskannya. Tapi kita akan menghindari peninggian simetris sebisa mungkin, sehingga perspektif luar menampakkan perumahan yang modern, yang membentuk struktur empat rumah yang tampak asimetris.

Di lantai pertama yang kami desain galeri / teras, sebagai transisi ke sisi luar (tetapi terlindungi dari radiasi matahari). Desain tersebut merupakan elemen yang umum dalam bangunan Islam kuno, karena memungkinkan kita untuk memiliki elemen segar sebelum bersentuhan dengan panasnya luar rumah dan menghindari suhu tinggi di dalam. Dalam teras ini ditempatkan serangkaian jendela geser, sebagai tabir surya, seperti kulit kedua bangunan yang akan melindungi kita dari matahari dan juga akan membuat tingkat distribusi acak, yang akan mengaburkan simetri apapun.

Tirai / tabir surya tersebut terinspirasi dari bilah Arab kuno dan mosaik Islam akan memiliki desain yang unik, yaitu bentuk tunggal unik yang terkait dengan pola Islam yang khas dalam beberapa sisi. Dengan cara ini kita akan mendapatkan beberapa unsur modern tapi terkait sebaliknya.

Kisi-kisi tersebut juga memiliki gradien dalam lubang-lubangnya, pada bagian atas terdapat lebih banyak lubang untuk memungkinkan pandangan ke luar dan pada bagian bawah terdapat lebih sedikit lubang untuk lebih memberikan privasi.

Lifeguard Stand, Toronto | Paul Raff Studio

Lifeguard Stand, Toronto | Paul Raff Studio

The approach to the City of Toronto’s new lifeguard stands is both pragmatic and humanistic. The competition winning design successfully reconciles a diverse set of technical requirements for storage, signage, public safety, durability and cost while achieving an iconic design that appropriately conveys the quality of Toronto’s swimming beaches.

Shark Lamp, Stylish Indoor Outdoor Floor Light by Mukomelov Studio

Stylish Indoor Floor Lamp

Shark Lamp, a stylish floor lamp design by Ukrainian designer Aleksandr Mukomelov of Mukomelov Studio, will be an outstanding lighting for both indoor and outdoor usage. Shark Lamp's simple yet stunning design will elegantly decorate the living room, bedroom, reading room, as well as light up the garden at night.

Lamp Shark by Mukomelov Studio:

Awarded Design and Design International (Paris) 2010

*For fans of the risks and thrills

Shark Lamp. Elegant Floor Lamp. Excellent and cheerful decoration of interiors and exteriors. It can be put on a bookshelf or on the floor verandas, also can be an excellent nursery decoration. Lamp without a doubt that will frighten all darkness around, for all the simplicity of form and ideas of the lamp causes positive emotions and forces surprised and smiling.

Stylish Indoor Floor Light

Designer of the lamp is Aleksandr Mukomelov founder of Ukrainian Mukomelov Studio. The idea, which was the starting point for creating an object, came to him when he was taking a bath. Aleksandr believes that the best ideas come when we let go daily worries and seek inspiration in ordinary objects. Created objects must possess not only the meaning but also energy to give positive emotions.

The lamp was created for the Next Home Collection (Germany), went on sale in early 2012.

Stylish Floor Lamp for Indoor Lighting

Stylish Floor Light for Outdoor Lighting

Indonesian Version

Shark Lamp, lampu lantai yang stylis rancangan desainer Ukraina Aleksandr Mukomelov dari Mukomelov Studio, akan menjadi pencahayaan luar biasa baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan. Desain Shark Lamp yang sederhana namun sangat menarik perhatian akan menghiasi ruang tamu anda yang bergaya modern, kamar tidur, ruang baca, serta menerangi taman anda di malam hari.

Lamp Shark oleh Mukomelov Studio:

Design and Design International (Paris) 2010

* Bagi penggemar risiko dan sensasi

Lamp Shark. Lampu lantai elegan. Dekorasi yang ekselen dan ceria untuk interior dan eksterior. Shark Lamp bisa diletakkan di rak buku atau di lantai beranda, juga bisa menjadi dekorasi yang sangat menarik di kamar anak. Lampu yang tanpa ragu akan menakut-nakuti semua kegelapan sekitarnya, karena kesederhanaan dari bentuk dan idenya memberi emosi positif dan mengundang rasa terkejut dan juga senyum.

Desainer Shark Lamp adalah Aleksandr Mukomelov, pendiri Mukomelov Studio Ukraina. Ide lampu ini, yang merupakan titik awal untuk menciptakan sebuah objek, muncul saat sang desainer sedang mandi. Aleksandr percaya bahwa ide-ide terbaik datang ketika kita melepaskan rasa kekhawatiran sehari-hari dan mencari inspirasi dari benda - benda di sekitar. Dan objek yang dibuat harus memiliki tidak hanya makna tetapi juga energi untuk memberikan emosi positif.

Shark Lamp didesain untuk Next Home Collection (Jerman) dan sudah mulai dijual pada awal tahun 2012.

Miravalle Tower | GLR Arquitectos

Miravalle Tower by GLR Arquitectos

Miravalle Tower is a collective housing building which was completed in 2007 by Gilberto L. Rodríguez of GLR arquitectos. The project covers 230,350 sq ft built area located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.

Miravalle Tower had won two awards:
- Calli 1st Prize of XIV Architecture Biennal of the State of Nuevo Leon in Multifamily Housing category, and
- 2nd Place of XVI Cemex Building Award International Edition in Housing category.

BC House, A Sustainable Geometric House by GLR Arquitectos

GLR Arquitectos have shared with us some of their architectural projects that consist of residential and commercial. BC House is one of their residential projects that was conceived as a “Sustainable House”. Located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, this geometric house enjoys excellent views of the Chipinque National Park, the "Cerro de la Silla", and the mountain boundaries of Monterrey.

BC House, A Sustainable House by GLR Arquitectos
BC House, A Sustainable House by GLR Arquitectos

FOLLIES Emergency Exit Buildings by Paul Raff Studio - A Design

FOLLY Emergency Exit by Paul Raff Studio
FOLLIES Emergency Exit Buildings by Paul Raff Studio - A Design

Paul Raff Studio has designed a public safety system (special exit for emergencies) called the FOLLIES, Emergency Exit Buildings for a New Transit Line. FOLLIES will serve as exigent stairs or doors for faster evacuation like those required in above ground structures.

MAXXI Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects - 2010 RIBA Stirling Prize

MAXXI Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects
MAXXI Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects - Photos: Iwan Baan

MAXXI Museum is the National Museum of XXI Century Arts of Italy and is located in Rome. Zaha Hadid Architects carried out this 21,200 sqm project with a contract value €150m. This is the first project of Zaha Hadid Architects that achieved the 2010 RIBA Stirling Prize award.
MAXXI is described as a building for the staging of art, and whilst provocative at many levels, this project shows a maturity and calmness that belies the complexities of its form and organization.
Via Bustler
MAXXI Museum Interior by Zaha Hadid Architects
MAXXI Museum by Zaha Hadid Architects - Photos: Iwan Baan

Dom Space Office by Dom Arquitectura - A Perfect Refurbishment

Dom Space / Office 01

Dom Arquitectura has finished their new office called the Dom Space / Studio Dom located in Barcelona. The office, which situates on 50 sqm surface, is a result of a carefully taken refurbishment toward an existing building formerly operated as a store.

Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art by Studio Za Arhitekturu

Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art by Studio Za Arhitekturu
Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art by Studio Za Arhitekturu

Zagreb Museum by Architect Igor Franić of Studio Za Arhitekturu (SZA) is a museum of contemporary art located in the capital city of the Republic of Croatia. Rested upon 14,400 sqm area, the museum building was completely built in 2009, and was designed to accommodate exhibition spaces, offices, restaurant, library, and other auxiliary rooms like programmed mini-towers and etc. The variety of program contents is enriched by the hall for lectures, screenings, and performances. - Via Archinect
Studio Za Arhitekturu took into consideration the strongly stressed orthogonal matrix of Novi Zagreb, from where he continued to develop the project. For the architect, the context is the entire Novi Zagreb, both in the sense of the heritage of modern city-planning culture and the area with specific ambiance characteristics.

Casa 4 Planos by Dear Architects - Living “inside out”

Casa 4 Planos_Int Facade
Casa 4 Planos by Dear Architects - Living “inside out”

CASA 4 PLANOS, A Home for Living “inside out” - This residential design by Dear Architects was completed in 2010 in Santa Catarina city of México. The house is rested on 300 sqm built area, with 200 sqm plot and 138 sqm foot print, having the same size to the firm’s previous single family housing project in Monterrey.

Casa De Uno by Dear Architects - A Home For Individuality

Casa De Uno 01 - exterior
Casa De Uno by Dear Architects - A Home For Individuality

Casa De Uno, A Home For Individuality Dear Architects have shared with us a residential project they called Casa De Uno, A Shelter For Individuality. Completely built in 2009 in Monterrey city of México, the house was rested on 300 sqm (3,230 sq.ft) built area, measuring 200 sqm (2,153 sq.ft) plot and 138 sqm (1,485 sq.ft) foot print.

Cocktail Table Made of Cast-off Bamboo Material by Jason Phillips Design

Recycled Cocktail Table by Jason Phillips Design
Earth Tones Cocktail Table by Jason Phillips Design

This Cocktail Table is one of the member of Earth Tones Collection, a brand of a furniture group by Jason Phillips Design. Having glass as its top, Earth Tones Cocktail table is made of eco-friendly cast-off bamboo plywood materials (end cuts Plyboo®) from furniture production. This an innovative idea where recycled materials can be re-used in designing interior furnitures. - Via Industrial Design Served

Pouring Light, Artistic LED Light Desk Lamp by Yeongwoo Kim

Artistic LED Light Desk Lamp by Yeongwoo Kim
Pouring Light Desk Lamp by Yeongwoo Kim

Pouring Light - an artistic desk lamp by Yeongwoo Kim resulted from a perfect synthesis of decorative art and lighting-technical object. Through his nature-inspired idea, the Korean designer tries to give us a manifest on how his imagination has led him to create an exceptionally wonderful lighting design. Kim’s Pouring Light will pour our daily life with “an emotional flow of light” with the use of phosphorescence material in the “water” part. As the lighting source, LED light bulb is used to conserve energy. - Via Yanko Design

House in Midorigaoka by Camp Design - A Japanese Minimalism

House in Midorigaoka Interior by Camp Design
House in Midorigaoka by Camp Design in Kobe, Japan - Photos by: Hatta

House in Midorigaoka is about interior of a Japanese home design and architecture. Architect Yusuke Fujita of Camp Design underlined the home interiors with minimalism aesthetics and the use of green material. Wooded material for the wall covering, flooring, and a large number of the furnishings, has made the home interior tranquil and elegant. - Via Design Milk

Deichmann Square, Garden Landscaping by Chyutin Architects

Deichmann Plaza - Landscaping by Chyutin Architects
Deichmann Plaza / Square by Chyutin Architects - Photos by: Sharon Yeari

Chyutin Architects designed this landscape architecture in 2008 on an open area next to the Negev Gallery, in close proximity to Ben-Gurion University of Beer Sheeva city, Israel.

Deichmann Square / Plaza was designed to offer an open-air space for cultural and social activities for the university students as well as the Beer Sheeva city residents, while serving as one of the entrance gates to the Ben-Gurion campus at the same time. - Via Plataforma Arquitectura

Würth Museum Garden Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura

Landscaping - Würth Museum Garden 01
Würth Museum Gardens by Dom Arquitectura
Würth Museum Gardens in Agincillo, La Rioja, Spain. - Working with Ingeniería Torrella, Dom Arquitectura completed this 11.280 sqm landscaping project in 2007, a project that generate a beautiful garden encircling the Würth Museum in Agincillo, Logroño, La Rioja, northern Spain.  The arrangement of the landscape is said to be "a reminiscent of the nature".

Beach Promenade, A Beach Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura

Beach Promenade Colera by Dom Arquitectura 01
Beach Promenade by Dom Arquitectura
Beach Promenade, A Beach Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura - Beach Promenade is a landscaping project on Colera beach, 74 km away from the province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Realized in 2004, Colera beach landscaping was intended to protect the town’s sea front from the endangering east waves.

Sparkling Chair, Transparent Plastic Chair by Marcel Wanders

Sparkling Chair, Transparent Crystal-like Plastic Chair
Sparkling Chair by Marcel Wanders

Sparkling Chair by Marcel Wanders is a translucent chair made out of PET plastic which is produced by using the same blow molding technique commonly used for water bottles. The Dutch designer exhibited his crystal-like seating furniture at the 2010 Milan Salone Internazionale del Mobile. Via: Design Applause

Criminal Desk Lamp, Michael Jackson Lighting by Sébastien Maleville

Unique Desk Lamp by Sébastien Maleville
Criminal Desk Lamp by Sébastien Maleville

Criminal Desk Lamp - a unique and attractive lamp design inspired by Michael Jackson and his Smooth Criminal song. Beijing-based designer Sébastien Maleville created this exotic desk lamp design as a tribute to the King of Pop. Criminal Desk Lamp features 45 degrees leaning aluminum base which refers to Jacko's standing position in singing the Smooth Criminal song, while the way for switching on and off refers to his gesture when moving up and down his hat with one hand. (Via Behance)

Cascade House, Passive Solar House by Paul Raff Studio

Cascade House by Paul Raff Studio 01
Cascade House, passive solar house by Paul Raff Studio

Cascade House, passive solar house by Paul Raff StudioCascade House is an environmentally-sustainable house which was designed with good consideration on passive solar systems. Paul Raff Studio completed this 352 sqm residential building in Forest Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

House in Menorca, A Summer House by Dom Arquitectura

Summer House in Menorca 01
House in Menorca, A Summer House by Dom Arquitectura
House in Menorca, A Summer House by Dom Arquitectura - Spanish architecture firm Dom Arquitectura built this two story summer house in 2009 in Ciutadella de Menorca, a town on the western side of Minorca Islands, Spain. As a summer shelter, the design of the house performs balance integration between the inner and outer spaces.