House in Midorigaoka by Camp Design - A Japanese Minimalism

House in Midorigaoka Interior by Camp Design
House in Midorigaoka by Camp Design in Kobe, Japan - Photos by: Hatta

House in Midorigaoka is about interior of a Japanese home design and architecture. Architect Yusuke Fujita of Camp Design underlined the home interiors with minimalism aesthetics and the use of green material. Wooded material for the wall covering, flooring, and a large number of the furnishings, has made the home interior tranquil and elegant. - Via Design Milk

Deichmann Square, Garden Landscaping by Chyutin Architects

Deichmann Plaza - Landscaping by Chyutin Architects
Deichmann Plaza / Square by Chyutin Architects - Photos by: Sharon Yeari

Chyutin Architects designed this landscape architecture in 2008 on an open area next to the Negev Gallery, in close proximity to Ben-Gurion University of Beer Sheeva city, Israel.

Deichmann Square / Plaza was designed to offer an open-air space for cultural and social activities for the university students as well as the Beer Sheeva city residents, while serving as one of the entrance gates to the Ben-Gurion campus at the same time. - Via Plataforma Arquitectura

Würth Museum Garden Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura

Landscaping - Würth Museum Garden 01
Würth Museum Gardens by Dom Arquitectura
Würth Museum Gardens in Agincillo, La Rioja, Spain. - Working with Ingeniería Torrella, Dom Arquitectura completed this 11.280 sqm landscaping project in 2007, a project that generate a beautiful garden encircling the Würth Museum in Agincillo, Logroño, La Rioja, northern Spain.  The arrangement of the landscape is said to be "a reminiscent of the nature".

Beach Promenade, A Beach Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura

Beach Promenade Colera by Dom Arquitectura 01
Beach Promenade by Dom Arquitectura
Beach Promenade, A Beach Landscaping by Dom Arquitectura - Beach Promenade is a landscaping project on Colera beach, 74 km away from the province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Realized in 2004, Colera beach landscaping was intended to protect the town’s sea front from the endangering east waves.